Monday, August 13, 2012

Three-peat baby!

Say hello to our little gummy bear AKA baby #3!

Cat themed Belly-pic - a don't
Now that I have been through pregnancy twice, I am much more comfortable with the idea. I know the do's and don't's, what to expect, where my resources are etc. But I also know what I like and don't like about being pregnant. Since this will most likely be our last, I want to do it up right. These are my hopes for the next 7 months.

#1 -Enjoy being pregnant. I loved being pregnant with my first two - the kicks, the cravings, and the excuses to get out of stuff. Although I am much busier, I want to make sure I take the time to enjoy growing this little miracle. Luckily I have made some awesome friends who have been helping me out.

#2 - I  do not want to find out the sex. Preparing for a boy and a girl was a lot of fun. But there are few surprises left in life, I want to have this experience.

 #3 - I will not freak out about my weight. I ate super good for my first pregnancy, and super bad for my second. I gained the same amount of weight and lost it twice in a reasonable amount of time. Yes I will be mindful about my diet but I'm not going get upset about it. It is what it is.

#4 - Try every flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream I can. Its easy to get stuck in a chubby-hubby rut.  So far I'm 19 out of 54, I have my work cut out for me. See item #3.

#5 - Get one of those post-birth massages in the hospital. I may have to pay for it in quarters I've found in the laundry/couch/bottom of my purse but I'm going to get my damn massage.

#6 - Do birth announcements. Facebook was all we did for both kids and I'm kinda sad we didn't do official announcements.

#7 - At least once, come up with a witty comeback at strangers who make annoying comments.

Genius = Qt(Pi) baby bodysuitHow are you feeling? - Just OK. Not going to lie, I'm tired and the heat makes me nauseous. But I'm pretty good in the mornings so I try to take advantage of them. When I feel sick, looking at baby animals on pintrest usually makes me feel a little better.

How far along are you? - 8 weeks. Due St. Patrick's day 2012. But since I will have another scheduled c-section, I am gunning for pi-baby on  3/14.

Any cravings yet? - Oh yes... Cheesecake, tortilla soup, ice water and chili cheese fries- not all together!

Any names picked out? Ryan created a spreadsheet to keep track of the ones we like -he is so sweet in his own way

Are you getting a mini-van? - No.

Will the kids share a room? - Yep. We are in the process of getting Catie to sleep in a toddler bed. My mom has already started gathering ideas for their room- think bunk beds :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Keeping it together

Each season I say to myself, oh finally it's Spring-summer-fall-winter, I will have some time to take of the house. I have reasons ( ahem excuses ), for why each season will be different. For summer it was "oh we'll be outside and there won't be as much laundry"... pause... you can stop laughing now. Just because you wear less clothes in summer, doesn't mean less laundry- thanks for Popsicles, sprinklers and chalk the heap gets bigger and bigger.

So I put on my big girl panties said to myself "Stop whining- you are lucky to stay at home with your kids. Suck it up and clean it up".

So after seeing several posts on pintrest on keeping up on the housework I hatched a plan.

Morning and evening checklists to get into the habit of at least doing the minimum. I put my little lists in my spice cabinet and check it to make sure I don't forget anything.

Do at least one load of laundry
empty dishwasher before you leave the house
Pack purse/backpack for the entire day.
Decide whats for dinner... and stick to it!

Set up coffee maker for next morning.
Take out trash no matter how full
Run dishwasher no matter how full (if its pretty empty I throw in some toys that need a good wash)

I have been on my little program for  about a month now. I have noticed things have been running more smoothly. No more sippy-cup roulette (please don't be milk from last week), Catie isn't finding high-chair artifacts, and we make it out of the house at a reasonable time.

I'm not sure how long I will stay motivated but I hope its for a while and it becomes a habit rather than a chore.