Sunday, January 23, 2011

Year Two

Two years ago today, this is what Ryan and I were up to...
 Photography by

Not sure I would have imagined that we would be here two years later, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Seven and half months pregnant!

We had a wonderful second anniversary painting our second child's nursery. Our first major home improvement project in our first house. Because we have awesome friends who were able to keep an eye on Jack, we were able to spend the afternoon focused on the room, no TV, phones or computers. This project really reminded me of why Ryan and I work so well together, we are a great team. Yes we were able to go out to a nice dinner but I had more fun painting!

Mole trying to ummm help

Couldn't resist the Home Depot hats :)


I'd like to get some letters on the wall to spell Catherine and maybe a mirror but other than, we're done! 
And if you were wondering about Jackster...
Wish I had a better pic of him, but he doesn't sit still long enough!

This is his new big-boy room, painting done by Grandpa Ron

All there's left to do in his room is hang his window valance.