Monday, October 11, 2010


In Southern California, fall consists of one last heat wave, Santa Ana winds followed by wild fires. While this may not sound appealing- it is one of my favorite seasons in Southern California. Wildfires aren't exactly a good thing but the hazy orange sunsets with a creepy red sun are unbelievable. Something about a strong burst of warm wind that almost knocks you off your feet is exhilarating (especially if you accidentally wear a skirt!)

Taken outside of our apartment in 2007

Now that I live in an area where we have an actual autumn season, I really love fall. Instead of wildfire coverage on the news, there is a leaf color report. And if you can find a hill to look over, it looks like the trees are ablaze.

Taken at the Landscape Arboretum of Minnesota

And what other time of the year do you get to take fun pumpkin pic's of your kids?

Ever wondered what they do with these pumpkins? Here's one idea...

 Or have you ever seen a corn pit? Yes, a pit full of corn (dried thanks goodness!)- I thought it was fun... don't think Jack felt the same way...

Fall is definitely my favorite season. Pulling out the sweaters and scarfs, brushing off the pumpkin bread recipes and enjoying the bug free weather is just what we need before a long winter.

Happy Fall everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I knew you would love it. Fall and Spring are the seasons that awaken the senses! It's even more fun when you love to cook like you do! Wonderful pictures, great story. : )
