Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Here we go again

I'm pregnant... again.

On the third night of living under our new roof, it occurred to me - I had missed something... something that was now 2 weeks late. 2 weeks you might ask? Yes, 2 weeks of packing, cleaning, purging out all the junk one accumulates over time. 2 weeks that included not one, but TWO negative pregnancy tests. So while I was unpacking our bathroom and stumbled upon a pregnancy test and took it (always buy the multipack!). It turned positive instantly. In slight disbelief I went into the other room and told Ryan. His expression was priceless, he was so genuinely happy.

quite similar to this... The day Jack was born

I, on the other hand, had several different emotions and thoughts overcome me. Yes, of course I was excited, what a true blessing! But also shocked and a little scared. The thought of having 2 under 2 floored me. Two sizes of diapers, two carseats and double strollers filled my mind. It didn't seem real-I can't be pregnant can I? Then it all started to click, the 3 hour naps, that 3 pounds that just won't budge, the tears during an Oreo commercial, the random cravings for beans and rice... oh baby I'M PREGNANT
Look what I did!

At my first doctors appointment a week later, they did what I've heard is called a "bean-scan"- looking for the little bean of a baby- sure enough there it was, little heart beating like crazy. All my doubts and anxiety melted away instantly. There was my beautiful beanie baby!

source: (www.jellybelly.com)

Mostly, I've been feeling great- a little tired, a little moody- ok A LOT moody but hanging in there. And one of my favorite parts of pregnancy has already started, the cravings- from broccoli nachos (yes, chips, cheese, and the green stuff) to chocolate donuts to Olive Garden, I want it all! Good thing the doctor gave me to OK to continue exercising!

Baby #2 is due 4/1/11 so Jack and beanie baby will be 18 months apart. Someone told me it's good to have them so close together because they won't know life without eachother- I like that.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!!If the baby is born on 4/2/11, she/he will be Parker's birthday twin.
