Monday, August 16, 2010


Having a baby makes it easy to neglect the fury members of the family. Our poor Molé never saw it coming when we picked her up at the Agoura Hills animal shelter 3 years ago. We had stopped in "just to look" - something I'm sure that shelter hears a lot- and fell in love with a little runt of cat. She's been with us through all of our life changes, definitely not by choice.
"This place ain't big enough for the two of us"

Originally named Daisy, we decided this little kitty needed a name with attitude. It took us a week to decide on a name but it came to us driving home from a day at Olvera Street in Los Angeles. It sounded like a good name at the time but after moving to Minnesota, I think I may resort to calling her kitty- molé isn't exactly popular out here (google it or ask me to make it for you!) When we take her to the vet, they call out a few different words... mole, mole? molly? mule?  ummmm Ashley Young?


After going through a flight across country (on my lap, with one hand in the carrier, 8 months pregnant), a new baby brother and a Minnesota winter- dear Molé, your patience has been rewarded. You now have a new house with a big yard and a gentlemen caller across the way (whom we call Big Orange). I hope you are as happy as we are watching you enjoy your new territory.

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