Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yesterday, Jack and I were cuddling and enjoying a typical 2 year-old/mommy conversation.  We talked about bubbles in the bathtub and spending time with his buddy Jude. He told me he wanted to watch Elmo and I said no, we are not watching Elmo for 3rd time today. Then he started looking into my eyes, in a very serious sort of way. Then he pointed to my eyes and said "Green face!". Oh my heart just melted, "Yes, mommy's eyes are green". My little guy was thinking about me. Then he started trying to poke at my eyes saying "green, yep, greeeeeeeen" Oh boy Jack, you are so sweet- yep mom's eyes are green. Then he stood up picked a piece of broccoli off my forehead.

Green, yep, green.

It's moments like this when you take a step back and stop taking life so seriously.